BREATHWORK: Mother Wound (W)

BREATHWORK: Mother Wound (W)


DATE: Wednesday, November 29th


🩸The Mother Wound🩸

You had a Good Mom or You had a Bad Mom…sometimes the wounding can be the same. For some of us it’s the wounding from a negligent mother, while others it’s the enmeshment that happens with the “Perfect Mother.”

Delve into the heart of your inner turmoil, confronting the deep-seated wounds that bear the mark of your relationship with the mother archetype. This wounding can create our soul's scars show us a poignant way to explore of the pain that shapes us.

Dive deep into the intricate layers of your psyche, addressing the nuanced wounds that stem from distinct patterns within the Mother Archetype.

🩸Emotional Neglect and Abandonment🩸The ache of feeling unseen and unheard, through emotional abstinence.

🩸Overbearing Control and Enmeshment🩸

Unravel the suffocating web of overprotection, and dysfunctional patterns of control.

🩸Conditional Love and Expectations

The  abusive complexities of love tied to performance & unrealistic expectations.

🩸Inter-generational Trauma🩸

The dark shadows of generational pain passed down through maternal lines & ancestral patterns.

🩸The “Perfect Mother”🩸

The nurturing archetype, fostering an overly loving and idealized relationship. No woman will ever measure up to her. Men seek her partnership and women will never measure up.

Think you don’t have a Mother Wound?

Join us for a night of exploring your mother wound. Even the one you think isn’t there. Except for when you think of your Dad’s mother…oh there you are Grandma carrying with you my Mother wound.

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